Things You Need To Know About Storage Mycotoxin

Mycotoxins are a common problem on farms, and are natural substances produced by moulds. All natural materials and many man-made ones are subject to contamination by moulds and under favourable environmental conditions, when temperature and moisture are conducive, these fungi proliferate and may produce mycotoxins. Over 500 mycotoxins have been identified and this number is steadily increasing.



The impact of these Mycotoxins however can be severe on cattle, pigs, horses, poultry and fish. Moulds grow well on both forage and grains before they are harvested. Mycotoxin inhibitors can control the new fungal growth in crops. But that does not put an end to mould contamination as Storage Mycotoxins are very common in animal feed that is stored after the crop harvest. There are several reasons behind the growth of moulds and related Mycotoxins in a storage environment.